понеделник, 15 декември 2014 г.


After finishing the control , all i had to do was do the skinning. But after doing the skinning , i had to paint all the joints because the vertices vere controlled by more than one joint 
so i had to paint every area for every joint


For the movement of the mouth and the eyes , what I did was blend-shape. I copied the mesh of Captain Atom and made his eyes closed and mouth open by moving the vertices. Then I bind-shaped the copied mesh to the original one

Doing the controls

 After finishing the whole skeleton,it was time to start doing the controls. Basically what did was connect the ankle joint to the him joint for the legs, and the wrist joint to the shoulder joint.Then i created controlers , which were nerbs , and then i constrained them with the ik handles so when they move the ik handles move as well. For the fingers I added atributes to the controller , and then i used set driven keys to make them move. For the eyebrows i did the same

New Rig - Captain Atom

After doing the rig for the car, we were given a human body.The first thing that we had to do , was creating the bones or joints if you want. We started from the legs and moved our way up to the spine , then clavicles and arms and then the head.For the legs we crated one joint for the hip, one joint for the knee, and from the ankle to the toe we made 3 joints. For the spine we created a total of 8 joints from bottom to the top. That way the spine would be more flexible and have more movement, when we do the controls.For the head I did one for the lower neck one for mid neck one for the jaw and some for the eyebrows